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Message From Chairperson

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Dr. Prof. M.Mala

Chairperson - Jerusalem College Of Engineering

This is an age of knowledge explosion. The new millennium is going to see man's creative energy and technical know-how getting expressed in terms of great multi-dimensional strides of progress in all walks of human life.Time and space have already ceased to be the distancing factors and globalization has quickened the process of reducing human life to a simple scientific and technologically-monitored social and economic situation, resulting in a highly competitive human spectrum of life. The fresh challenges and the problems of poverty and disease faced by mankind today have to be successfully met with. This would prove a hard-to-achieve task unless the knowledge that man has attained in the field of science and technology is guided and controlled by a sense of reassessed values and a renewed moral sensibility.

May I assure you all on this occasion that the Jerusalem Educational Trust is aware of its higher educational priorities and responsibilities in the present context of the human condition. We stand firmly pledged to the noble ideal of man-making education in terms of knowledge and character to provide our institution with dedicated manpower and state-of-the- art material to realize this goal. I hope we shall strive together to produce such integrated, highly-skilled engineering graduates, who will be second to none in their affirmed dedication to the cause of service to the community. While I wish the students already with us pursuing their course of study all the best of luck and success, I heartily welcome the fresher to the fold.