The classrooms are equipped with multimedia, LCD projectors and audio-visual equipment to facilitate effective learning.They are designed to promote maximum interaction between the faculty and students.
The class rooms are spacious and well ventilated. Digital / Smart interactive boards are provided to enhance the effectiveness of conventional teaching methods. These are designed to promote maximum interaction between the faculty and students.
The following laboratories are available in the Department.
The DSP lab is well equipped with Digital Signal Processor kits, Advanced Digital Signal Processor kits and licensed software including MathCAD, MATLAB and VSIM which helps the students in various designs and simulation projects of the latest trends.
Network simulation software’s like CYGWIN, NS - 2 simulators and LAN trainer kits are also available.
The lab also hosts variety of digital IC testers, LCR Bridge and digital IC trainer kits.
The Electron Devices Lab is equipped with high end Function Generators, Oscilloscopes and Digital Storage Oscilloscopes. Circuit Simulation Software’s like OrCAD, PSPICE are also available in this laboratory.
The lab is designed to provide students with hands-on experience in designing, building, and testing analog and digital circuits which are essential for a career in electronics engineering.
The graduates of this lab should have a solid background in microprocessor and microcontroller systems, as well as programming. Students study microprocessor and microcontroller assembly language. The basis for creating, evaluating, and putting engineering programming challenges into practice is provided by this course. The lab fosters the growth of students' analytical, troubleshooting, and critical thinking abilities by exposing them to real-world engineering difficulties. Additionally, the lab has processors that allow students to improve their creativity and problem-solving skills in the areas of embedded systems and real-time applications.
The VLSI lab is setup specifically for VLSI experiments. This lab is highly equipped with Spartan / CPLD / Virtex FPGA kits.
The Microwave & Communication Lab is well equipped with all required equipments like various Microwave benches, antenna trainer kits, Fiber Optic kits, RF Modules etc. Special facilities like The Anechoic Chamber, Optical Time Domain Reflectometer and Spectrum Analyzers are also available.
The foundation of the ECE research program, where researchers from academia, graduate schools, and undergraduate programs generate findings that are published in prestigious technical journals, conference proceedings, patents, and even launch new businesses. Integrated circuit technology, robotics, mobile computing and telecommunications systems, wireless communications, cognitive radios, embedded systems, and image processing are a few examples of extremely multidisciplinary areas of interest.
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Velachery main road,
Narayanapuram, Pallikaranai,
Chennai- 600 100
044-2246 1404/ 0131
Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 4:00P.M.